Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Notes on Wisdom 6

by Lori Sithole

Proverbs 19:8
“He who loves wisdom loves his own best interest and will be a success.”

Who doesn’t want to be a success?  I surely do.

So, if I want to be successful, I must love wisdom and the pursuit thereof.  I read somewhere that you can tell how important a thing is to a man by how much time, money and attention they give to it.

This tells me that lovingly pursuing wisdom through personal quiet time in The Word will teach me how to be successful.  Then, all I have to do is follow the instructions. 

Read 1 Peter 2:21-23 when you can.  It tells us whose example to follow.  

Jesus slipped away from the crowds often to have one on one time with The Father.  If He did that and had no sin, what in the heck are we waiting on?

I’m just sayin’.

Big Blessings to You! 

Notes on Wisdom 5

by Lori Sithole

James 3:17 spells out the characteristics of wisdom from heaven.

“ But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first and all pure and full of quiet gentleness.  Then it is peace-loving and courteous.  It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds.  It is wholehearted and straight forward and sincere." (Children's Living Bible)

Here’s the scripture in checklist form:   
___Full of quiet gentleness
___Peace loving
___Allows discussion
___Is willing to yield to others
___Full of mercy and good deeds
___Whole hearted
___Straight forward

If what’s offered to you as wisdom doesn’t meet these standards, then what?  What a nice litmus test to use when evaluating your sources of information!  Thanks, God!

Big Blessings to You!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Notes on Wisdom 4

by Lori Sithole

Proverbs 9:12
“Wisdom is its own reward, and if you scorn her, you hurt only yourself.”

Well, there it is! Take the wisdom over the pain.  It clearly says that rejecting it will cause you to hurt yourself.  

And why would you do that on purpose?

Sometimes God will use “unlikely (to us anyway) people” to minister to us. Look closely.  Ask, “Is this wisdom from heaven?”  

See the next post for ways to be able to tell.

I have a confession.  I initially thought I'd do a six or seven piece series and be finished.  That is why posts were previously made once a week, with multiple postings throughout the week.  For today and the next two days, I'll post numbers four through six from this original blog site (Blogger).  

October 1st we will begin something new.  All posts will come from our new blog home of WordPress plus another anointed contributing writer joins our team that day, too!  You could say that I am just too 'crazy excited to be that Geek for God!'  He's Worthy! 

Wonder who could it be???  More on that soon.   
Enjoy your day! 
*** Big Blessings to You! ***

Monday, September 20, 2010

Notes on Wisdom 3

by Lori Sithole

Proverbs 9:11
“I, Wisdom, will make your day more profitable and the years of your life more fruitful.”

What person (in every field you could imagine) would not want to have more profitable days?  Likewise, who in their right mind would not want to live a life that produces years of fruitfulness?

God’s Wisdom gives us all of that.

Remember Solomon asking God for Wisdom? Well, Solomon was King David’s son. He was anointed King by his father at the age of 12. God came to Solomon in a dream and invited Solomon to make a request of Him.

Solomon pleased GOD so much by unselfishly asking for wisdom that GOD granted him both wisdom and wealth.  

I invite you to join me in revisiting a ‘hot spot’ for wisdom, tucked away in The Bible.  It's Proverbs.  

Since there are 31 chapters of them, we can do one per day for a month.  It will help to begin on today’s numerical equivalent.  It’s the 20th, so we’ll start with the 20th.  

Think how wise we could be taking some time each day to fill our ‘wisdom tank’ through personal study.

James 1:5 * “If any of you needs wisdom to know what you should do, you should ask God, and he will give it to you. God is generous to everyone and doesn't find fault with them.

Thank you for sharing this and thanks, too, for your comments.

Big Blessings to You!
Lori Sithole

Monday, September 13, 2010

Notes on Wisdom 2

Proverbs 17:24
“Wisdom is the main pursuit of sensible men, but a fool’s goals are at the ends of the earth.”

My maternal grandfather, Eucolia Erby, was the wisest man I have ever known.  I can still remember, from youth to adulthood, him sitting in his recliner with his Bible open and studying it regularly.  I thank God for this wonderful example that He gave me on “studying to show thyself approved unto God.”

He did it because he wanted to know what God approved of and what He did not.  Even when you don’t ask, people will always have their own opinions and advice, but God's approval is really the only one THAT matters.

Was Granddaddy perfect?  Oh, heavens no.  Am I?  Child, please.  I am forgiven though.  And you know what?  You are too! Now, isn’t that Great News?

This scripture is good for checking one’s progress toward pursuing what God has purposed for us in our lives.

Self Check Questions:

  • ·        What am I pursuing?
  • ·        Whose information will I use to get there?  Man’s or God’s?
  • ·        How much time am I putting toward actually pursuing wisdom (the proper use of knowledge) each day?
  • ·        How many times have I sought wisdom by opening God’s Word to see what He says about a situation?

Wisdom is a gift that’s free, but still cost our time and efforts to obtain it.  Once we get it, though, we may build a wonderful future just as God has designed for us; and that sounds like a great plan to me.
     Have an amazing day!!!

     Big Blessings to You!

James 1:5 
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Notes on Wisdom 1

Proverbs 9:10
“For the reverence and fear of God are basic to all wisdom.”

When I read this in the Children’s Living Bible, I simply loved both its simplicity and depth.  Reverence means to be considered important, held in high esteem and greatly respected.  The type of fear we should have of God should be an “awe” fear not one in which we are only to be afraid of Him.  Please don’t get that twisted.

Ok.  I just read it again.  Wow!  Wise people respect God.  Since Jehovah God is Omnipotent (All Knowing) being in a relationship with Him gives us access to His Secrets and His Wisdom.  WOW!

Please see Psalm 25:14, if you don’t believe me.  It reads, from The Living Bible, “Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence Him.  With them alone He shares the secrets of His Promises.”

How so very cool is that?  

I got excited when I first read that.  I thought, “WHAAAT?  This means that I, little ole Lori Sithole, can actually have a ‘Direct Connect’ to Our Maker, Creator of heaven and earth, The Almighty God of the Universe, through His Son, Jesus The Christ?”

“Yes, please.  I’d like that.  Thank you!”

I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Please post them below.  Thank you!
Be Abundantly Blessed, Child of God!
Mrs. Lori Sithole (Pronounced… See-toe’-lay)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why This Blog Exists

I needed a place to share some personal study of the Bible with others.  I know that these verses helped me and I want to pay it forward.

As a newlywed, one of my greatest desires is to be a wise wife.  I chose a few to highlight and pray that this blesses someone!

Stay tuned for the next seven brief notes on WISDOM.

Big Blessings Be Yours!